Class Schedule
First Period - 8:00 - 8:45 - 5th Grade Science
Second Period - 8:49 - 9:36 - 6th Grade Science
Third Period - 9:40 - 10:25 - Conference
Fourth Period - 10:29 - 11:14 - 6th Grade Science
Fifth Period - 11:49 - 12:34 - 5th Grade Science
Sixth Period - 1:12 - 1:57 - 6th Grade Science
Seventh Period - 2:01 - 2:46 - 5th Grade Science
Eighth Period - 2:50- 3:35 - 5th Grade Science
I will send announcements to parents through the Remind Notification system. Please email me if your child did not give you the information to join that group.
All notes that I provide will be located in their respective Google Classrooms. They can access these at anytime by logging into their email account from any device and going to the Google Apps "waffle" in the top right corner and selecting my classroom, just like we do in class.
To stay up to date on your students grades, frequently check their grades through the Gradebook system and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Any test that results below an "70" can be retaken for a passing grade. If this is the situation, your child needs to contact me to set up a time to retest. I usually do this in a tutorial setting from 7:30 - 8:00 in the morning, any morning except Tuesdays. Even if your child just needs extra help, I am always here at those times to help. If after school works better for you and your child, I can work with them at that time as well.

5th Grade Syllabus
First 6 Weeks - Physical Properties of Matter
Second 6 Weeks - Forms of Energy
Third 6 Weeks - Forces & Earth's Changes
Fourth 6 Weeks - Water and Weather Pattern & Solar System
Fifth 6 Weeks - Ecosystem Interactions & Organism Behavior
Sixth 6 Weeks - Fossils and Environments
6th Grade Syllabus
First 6 Weeks - Investigating Chemicals & Properties of Matter
Second 6 Weeks - Properties of Matter & Force and Motion
Third 6 Weeks - Force and Motion & Energy Resources and Transformations
Fourth 6 Weeks - Thermal Energy & Earth Materials
Fifth 6 Weeks - Plate Tectonics & Solar System
Sixth 6 Weeks - Taxonomic Groups & Ecosystems